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A Seat At The Table (ASATT) By Quophi Akotuah


Empowering the Next Generation of Fashion Innovators

ASATT, or A Seat At The Table, serves as a focused mentorship seminar for aspiring fashion creatives within Ghana’s vibrant industry. 
The primary aim of ASATT is to facilitate connections and provide essential mentorship, insights, and resources necessary for the advancement of emerging talents. 
By gathering under the guidance of seasoned professionals, participants gain invaluable knowledge and support, empowering them to navigate the complexities of the fashion world and realize their creative potential. 
ASATT endeavors to nurture talent, ignite innovation, and contribute to the continual growth and excellence of Ghana’s fashion landscape. Join us at ASATT and embark on a transformative journey of learning, collaboration, and empowerment in the exciting world of fashion.

Event Details

  • Date: Saturday, 16th March 2023
  • Time: 10AM
  • Location: Kegali Hotel, Dansoman, Accra, Ghana
  • Theme: “In Vogue Ventures: Mastering the Business of Fashion Innovation”


Join us for an inspiring day filled with workshops, panel discussions, and networking opportunities designed to elevate your skills and knowledge in the fashion industry.
 From keynote speeches by industry leaders to interactive sessions with seasoned professionals, ASATT offers valuable insights and practical advice for success.

Key Highlights:

Workshop Sessions: Dive deep into topics such as fashion entrepreneurship, design innovation, and branding strategies.
Panel Discussions: Gain insights from industry experts on trends, challenges, and opportunities in the fashion landscape.
Networking Opportunities: Connect with like-minded individuals, potential collaborators, and industry insiders.
Special Activities: Enjoy live performances, product showcases, and interactive experiences throughout the event.

Our Speakers

Meet our esteemed lineup of speakers who are leaders and innovators in the fashion industry. From renowned designers to business moguls, our speakers will inspire and empower you to pursue your passion and achieve your goal

Our Host

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